
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse in Oregon



Full course description

Reporting child abuse in Oregon

We all have a critical role in supporting child safety in Oregon. While mandatory reporters must report suspected child abuse, they also have a vital role in preventing abuse through supporting families. The goals of this training include helping both mandatory and voluntary reporters:

  • Gain knowledge of how child abuse is defined in Oregon, 
  • Recognize and understand the signs of abuse, 
  • When and how to make a report, and 
  • Recognize when families may benefit from community resources and services.  

The official course, presented by Oregon Department of Human Services Child Welfare program, offers a certificate of completion to participants.  

Thank you for your commitment to learning more about child safety in Oregon. You can make a difference in children and families lives by supporting and connecting them to resources, and when necessary, by making a report of suspected child abuse.  


Sign up for this course today!
